What is My biggest work? – art expo
Dokzaal2020 they all sat at a table together and wondered: What is My biggest work?The BIGgest work they have ever made took many shapes.Experience hybrid identities in research from Algeria...
2020 they all sat at a table together and wondered: What is My biggest work?The BIGgest work they have ever made took many shapes.Experience hybrid identities in research from Algeria...
Fajadja; Funky good shit, Madam Bruno at the helm.
Roughhight, spoken rude word musical smells
Inloop vanaf 19:30. Bar open voor en na het concert.
the ship of fools benefit party Azart Book presentation een cabareteske & muzikale avond in vrolijke Azart Club tradities
Event afgelast / Event cancelled! 𝐅𝐨𝐫 𝐃𝐮𝐭𝐜𝐡 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝 𝐛𝐞𝐥𝐨𝐰! Following years of corruption and human rights violation, a revolution has shaped itself in the streets of Lebanon. Citizens and expats...
CANCELLED / AFGELAST THE SEXTET 2020 Plantage Dokzaal, Amsterdam Kateřina Dietzová/dance Lily Kiara/dance Roberta Legros Štěpánková/dance Ivan Palacký/amplified knitting machine Lukas Simonis/electronics & guitar Radim Hanousek/saxophone An instantly composed piece...
The Science Behind Rainbows - Because Panting is Dramatic Expositie van Saskia van der Klei aka@saskiarocks (Grow) Dokhuis Galerie opent op 4 Juni haar deuren weer voor publiek we beginnen...
BENEFIETMAALTIJD voor de LUTKEMEERPOLDER en Bioboerderij de BOTERBLOEM Plantage Dokhuis Galerie van 18 u - 21 u Reserveren vanaf 15 u via 06 42 43 13 79 Sluiten: 22u...
opening foto expositie van Roza Sharon