Dokhuis Galerie presents
Dok for Peace
Exhibition // March 31st – April 24th 2022
Auction // Sunday April 24th 2022, 14 – 18 uur
We all welcome you on Sunday the 24th for the final finissage and auction of the Dok for Peace art collection. All artworks will be for sale, donated by several generous and talented artists of many fields. This exhibition consists of paintings, sculptures, jewelry, live private concerts, drawings, tattoos and much more.
You are most welcome to come and buy art in all it’s shapes! Bring your friends, especially the ones in need of beauty in their homes. The works will be auctioned and you can directly take it with you after having purchased it (payments by pin or cash).
For the last months the Dok has been busy with supporting a group of BIPOC (black indigenous & people of color) refugees having to leave Ukraine because of the war. Together with non-profit organization All Included we have the intention to give this support to a vulnerable group that arrived in the Dok early early March. We thank all artists for their generous contributions and are looking forward to share their beautiful works with you. 100% of the proceeds of the auction will go to this cause.
The finissage opens at 14h to give you a chance to choose your favorite artwork.
The auction will start at 15h.
Blue Crime | Soon | Ashleigh McCulloch
Olivier Delebecque | Olle Stjerne | Frank Rosaly
Annelinde de Jong | Stéphanie Baechler
Spill Gold | Splitter Spletter | Silver Bone
Jackie Bacon | Julie Mollenhauer | Jason Swinehammer
Daan Simons / Tsugi Woodworks | Mirjam Langemeijer
Ingrid Sanghee Edwards | Bert van de Roemer
Daddy Hands | Alexandra Duvekot | Het Tekenlab
Ceola Tunstall-Behrens | Sanne Kabalt
Dishes | Slow Worries | Cinder Well
Jessica Lever | Alice Abels | Hilde Koenders | Susan Kooi
Vita Buivid | Helen Mason | Mirra Berridge | Olga Miscińska
& Bashir

# | Description | Starting price |
1 | Fladder mens, ecoline op papier, 30 x 22 cm | € 70 |
2 | Bathing Child Cyclops with Redon Style Halo, A3 art print on german etching paper, edition of 5 | € 100 |
3 | Guipure Cable, embroidery, 10 x 100 cm, 100% polyester, 2008, edition of 5 (+1 AP) | € 300 |
4 | Mine, mine, mine, ink on paper, 18 x 25 cm | € 85 |
5 | T-shirt (S) + lp Blue Crime | SOLD |
6 | no. 150, papier op textiel, 20 x 20 cm | € 50 |
7 | no. 115, papier op textiel, 20 x 20 cm | € 50 |
8 | Oogje, keramiek | SOLD |
9 | Oorstekers, aluminium, zilver | SOLD |
10 | Ring, brass/ messing | SOLD |
11 | Oorbellen zonnetje, brass / messing | SOLD |
12 | Oorbellen, fimo, zilver | € 50 |
13 | no. 167, papier op textiel, 20 x 20 cm (wit) | SOLD |
14 | Poodle in Pink, A3 art print on german etching paper, edition of 5 | € 100 |
15 | Wolkmannetje | SOLD |
16 | Mechigai-tsugi, eik verfraaid door biefstukzwam | SOLD |
17 | Self-titled 2021-2022, cassettebandje, geproduceerd tijden de lockdown in de MOLK Factory. | € 6 |
18 | Cassettebandje met verrassingen, filmmuziek voor EYE | € 8 |
19 | Move without move, book (ENG) | SOLD |
20 | Progresser sans avancer, book (FR) | SOLD |
21 | Metal grid, concrete. Series of different grids, 2016/2017 | € 600 |
22 | Toy Hanger #3, meccano | € 100 |
23 | Self-titled 2022, 12” dubbel LP. | € 20 |
24 | lp Highway Hypnosis | € 25 |
25 | mixed media, 71 x 61 cm | € 250 |
26 | Gedachte menigte, ecoline op papier, 28 x 24 cm | SOLD |
27 | Connect the dots – young man, A3 art print on german etching paper, edition of 5 | € 100 |
28 | Sea #10, photographic print on aluminium, 70 x 56 cm, Edition of 5 (+1 AP), 2011 | € 150 |
29 | Lino print, A5 | € 60 |
30 | Privated guided Tour Rijks Museum, voor 2 persoon | SOLD |
31 | Tekenles in Amsterdam, voor 2 persoon | |
32 | Tatoeage / Tattoo by tattoo artist Daddy Hands | SOLD |
33 | Concert Cello, voor 2 persoon | SOLD |
34 | Solo concert Drumset in de MOLK Factory, voor 10 persoon | |
35 | Privated guided Tour Paleis op de Dam, voor 2 persoon | SOLD |
36 | Cassettebandje Dishes | SOLD |
37 | Bord Dishes (gesigneerd aan de onderkant) | € 20 |
38 | lp The Unconscious Echo | € 25 |
39 | lp Careful Climb (gesigneerd) | € 25 |
40 | Vaas, keramiek | € 150 |
41 | My Crazy Universe, potlood op papier, 18 x 15 cm | € 5 |
42 | Tulip Mania, pigment print on photorag 100% cotton | € 150 |
43 | Restored kimono from the 1950s | € 50 |
44 | bracelets, 15 stuks | 2 SOLD |
45 | Keramiek | € 200 |
46 | print op papier | € 100 |
47 | print op papier | € 100 |
48 | a private guided tour of the exhibition The Headquarters at Punt WG in Amsterdam / max 5 people |