Welcome to a Wasteless Wednesday Dinner! Every Wednesday at 6:30-9:30pm at Dokhuis Galerie.
This is a dinner made with surplus food so #nowaste involved. We collect perfectly edible food that grocery shops would be throwing away at the end of the day, and cook it for you on Wednesdays. Our dinner is always vegetarian and there’s always a vegan option offered as well.
Dinner is first-come-first-served basis so don’t be late! It’s a pay-as-you-feel kind of event but we suggest a donation of 5 euros for dinner.
If you are curious about why we suggest that, read our blog to find out: http://amsterdam.tastebeforeyouwaste.org/the-story-behind-the-new-suggested-e5-donation-at-our-community-dinners/
At the location it’s only possible to pay with cash for drinks, so please take some coins! Sounds nice doesn’t it? Come join us! Bring your friends and family!
Can’t make it this time? Keep a lookout because we will be back every week!
Would you like to perform or give a speech or a short lecture at one of our dinners? Or would you just like to suggest some program? Let us know your ideas and send an email to sabrina@tastebeforeyouwaste.org.