Non-Virtual Reality
In de verder uitgestorven Plantagebuurt aan de Plantage Doklaan 8/12 is iets bijzonders te zien. Als je langs de grote ramen van Dokhuis Galerie loopt gaat er automatisch van alles...
In de verder uitgestorven Plantagebuurt aan de Plantage Doklaan 8/12 is iets bijzonders te zien. Als je langs de grote ramen van Dokhuis Galerie loopt gaat er automatisch van alles...
Culturele Stelling v Amsterdam 10 jaar! Zaterdag 11 Sep: 16u-24u Dokkers-Salon in Dokhuis Galerie Rondleiding open-studio’s & live performances (17u, 20u) Diner van the Vegan Assassins (18u-21u) Praatje & poezie...
'The Poor Rich' By Gemma Soldati A work in progress comedy show by award-winning American comedian, Gemma Soldati, about the absurdity of wealth. She is the current artist in residence...
5Rhythms workshop - The Lighness of Being - Bringing the heart back home door Mirjam van Hasselt
Dokhuis Galerie presents an exhibition by Gus Moystad and Jason Swinehammer.
100% vegan feast created from zero waste ingredients salvaged from nearby Amsterdam food stores.
PingPongParty & DJ Nanowicz
Jason, one of the artists, will be present to chat about his art or just pop in for a drink.
100% vegan feast created from zero waste ingredients salvaged from nearby Amsterdam food stores.
Dokhuis NIGHT